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File List | 1994-11-03 | 3.1 KB | 65 lines |
- 486SBDRV.ZIP 486 Soundblaster patch from Sierra.
- BCDP10.ZIP Bob's CD Player (BCDP), Windows based.
- BILL_WAV.ZIP WAV sounds from Bill Ted Excellent Adventure.
- BMSTR55.ZIP Blaster Master version 5.5.
- CARR_MPL.ZIP 17.4 "You Dropped Carrier" msg mod.
- CDP_122.ZIP CD-ROM player for DOS.
- CHIRPER4.ZIP TSR gives each key struck a musical note!
- CMAS1992.ZIP Neat musical Christmas card!
- CMF535.ZIP This is Version 5.35 of CMF.
- CMV14.ZIP MIDI player for Soundblaster Pro.
- COLDCUT.EXE SoudBlaster/Adlib Demo Program--Good Music.
- COLR_MPL.ZIP 17.4 Smart Text color mod.
- COOL.ZIP .MOD file, Theme of Cool World.
- CWB135.ZIP Composer's work bench for music scores.
- DREAMING.ZIP Mod Music for Soundblaster Pro.
- DS9PROMO.ZIP Deep Space 9 Promo WAV for Windows.
- ELV_VOC.ZIP Elvira Mistress of The Dark Voc Files.
- EZP.ZIP Easy Player plays CMF files from an archive.
- FANTA2.ZIP Fantasia II Vector Demo with SB PRO support.
- LUP.ZIP ListenUp v2.1 Ear training software...
- MENU013S.ZIP MenuPlus v1.3S mod to SysOp Menu (10/10/92).
- MIXER.ZIP Simple Sound Blaster Pro Mixer For DOS.
- MKWV12.ZIP Makin' Waves, WAV file converter player.
- MMWDRV.ZIP Multimedia Driver For Soundblaster Pro.
- MODED301.ZIP Newest ver of ModEdit.
- MODPLAY.ZIP MOD files on PC speaker.
- MP215.ZIP Mod player with many features.
- MUSICK20.ZIP Plays 28 popular songs.
- NOHISS12.ZIP Nohiss v1.2 reduces noise from .VOC files.
- PARANOIA.ZIP Great MOD from Mr. T...
- PATCHBAK.ZIP Midi bulk dump utility.
- PKK_006.ZIP Mod For Sb/Sbpro/trkblstr.
- PKK_007.ZIP Mod For Sb/Sbpro/trkblstr.
- PLMOD100.ZIP From Soundware. MOD player for sb/sbpro.
- RBGDEMO2.ZIP Black Glass Demo.
- RENSTIM1.ZIP Ren Stimpy .VOC High Quality, file 1 of 5.
- RENSTIM2.ZIP Ren Stimpy .VOC High Quality, file 2 of 5.
- RENSTIM3.ZIP Ren Stimpy .VOC High Quality, file 3 of 5.
- RENSTIM4.ZIP Ren Stimpy .VOC High Quality, file 4 of 5.
- RENSTIM5.ZIP Ren Stimpy .VOC High Quality, file 5 of 5.
- SBD0015.ZIP Sound Blaster Digest #15 Feb 1992 Edition.
- SBEEP.ZIP Sends output from PC Speaker to SB board.
- SB_SOUND.ZIP For SBlaster Card. Like Adlib Sound.COM.
- SNDCON.ZIP Convert a most sound file formats to WAV's.
- SPCDEBRS.ZIP An Amiga trakblaster song.
- SPP_V131.ZIP Superpro Play Version 1.31 Great Mod Player.
- SS11.ZIP Sound System v1.1 really good mod player.
- SSG105.ZIP Gram 1.05 Rol player.
- THEDRUMS.ZIP Drum-machine percussion editor/sequencer.
- THX.ZIP Soundblaster VOC file for THX sound.
- TRIXWAVE.ZIP Convert .MAC, .SND, .VOC sound files to .WAV.
- VOC38620.ZIP 386-specific sound file editor.
- WAVAWAV.ZIP Wave After Wave plays WAV files in sequence.
- WAVCONV.ZIP Converts most sound formats to WAV.
- WAVER10.ZIP Play WAV files in Windows 3.1.
- WCD130.ZIP Play audio CD's with Windows 3.1.
- WHOOP20.ZIP Attach WAV sounds to Windows events.
- WINTUNES.ZIP Play your own tunes on your PC.
- WINWV199.ZIP Attach WAV sounds to system events.
- WJMR20.ZIP MIDI sequencer and player for Windows.
- WOWIIE.ZIP MODule player for the PC.
- X_MAS.ZIP 4 Christmas tunes for Cakewalk.
- YAK101.ZIP Yakkity Clock talks, plays .WAV files.
- YARDEMO.ZIP Sb/Sb Pro 256 Color VGA Demo Excellent!